There are about 1.5 million Kiwis with allergies and for them September is literally the most irritating month of the year.
Spring is New Zealand’s peak allergy season because:
- Our many native and alien plant, tree and grass varieties start to flower and pollinate.
- It’s a lot windier which helps plants pollinate.
- Most pollens are released between 5-10 in the morning.
- Pets are moulting in time for warmer temperatures.
- Homes have been closed-up over winter and damp conditions create mould.
- Did you know, indoor cut flowers are less allergenic because they rely on insect pollination instead of wind pollination.
Top 7 sneeziest plants in NZ – all Spring pollen producers
1. Beech
2. Gorse
3. Macrocarpa
4. Plantain
5. Pine trees
6. Olive
7. Meadow foxtail grass
8. Privet
Ways of avoiding allergens:
- If possible, avoid pollen exposure – especially on windy days.
- Ask someone else to mow your lawn and mow it frequently before it flowers.
- Sleep with windows closed and your aircon/heat pump and air purifier running.
- Try to stay indoors with closed windows and your air purifier on from 5-10AM when plants are releasing their pollen.
- Drive with car windows closed and your car aircon set to recycle.
- Dry your bedding indoors to avoid collecting pollen and with heat to kill allergens.
- Have your pets groomed and brushed outdoors regularly.
- Wash pet bedding with hot water.
- Don’t dry your clothes in a living area of the home.
- Do your outdoor exercise at night.
How can Daikin help you create and maintain optimal indoor air quality?
- Use an Air Purifier, this is a plug in and turn on unit of 7kg – which is easy to move from room to room. It is most effective in up to spaces of 50m2.
- Use your Daikin air conditioner for heating or cooling at night with windows closed. Many Daikin products have advanced filtration options to improve our indoor air quality as well as optimise your inside temperature.
How does an air purifier work? This is a proper room air purifier, not a small desktop one.
Simply plug it in and turn it on – most effective in a space of less than 50m2.
Left in a room with closed doors and windows for 3 hours it will clear the air of bacteria, allergens, pollen, mould spores, allergenic particulate, dust – ideal to leave on while sleeping – especially in allergy sufferers’ bedrooms.
It’s small and light which means you can move it from the lounge to the bedroom.
- It sucks in air from 3 different directions and then deodorises and decomposes odours, dust, allergens, pollen etc.
- The air purifier processes it through 6 different layers of filtration including Daikin’s unique flash streamer technology which traps and zaps particles, effectively killing them!